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Showing posts from June, 2016

Hyper disruptive business models: Eight 21st century business models in action

Worker, Manager and Leader organizations (Reserve funds)

We all know Reserve Funds are important in any organization but through reserve fund availability, we can differentiate organizations in 3 types. 1. Worker:  Worker is someone who is leaving based on daily earning and spending. One or two days non availability of work/ income will directly affect bead and butter of the own and family. Similarly  Worker organizations  are those who are dependent on their monthly incomes for paying salary and other expenses. Mismanagement or non availability of finance in a month directly reflect on payment cycles and lead to late salary and payment of other expenses. Majority staff/team members working with this organizations leaves the organization if they are consistently not getting salaries on time. Employees who have second earning member in family may stay with the organization for longer period of time but who's family is dependent on one earning member will face problem in managing financial issues on regular basis. As per Masl